KETO is the worst

fatty recipes. restrictive meal plans. unsustainable tips

Keto Tips, Tricks, and Ticks

Keto doesn’t have to mean eating foods that are incredibly high in fat. It doesn’t mean you can never have another piece of bread again. Learn what keto really means, and how it can help you achieve your health and fitness goals. *disclaimer: there might be a few rants along the way.

The Mistakes I’ve Made Since Starting KETO

The Mistakes I’ve Made Since Starting KETO

Isn’t it better to learn from other peoples mistakes rather than making them yourself? Well that’s what I thought I was avoiding with the amount of videos I watched before starting. With all the “top mistakes to avoid” and “don’t do this on keto”. But of course,...

Why Keto Works

Why Keto Works

I’ve always hated research papers. I get exhausted compiling information from different sources then citing them. It’s a wonder I made it through those classes. But that’s not to say that I don’t like reading. In the past year I have soaked up all the information I...

Mostly Keto – My Low-Carb Philosophy

Mostly Keto – My Low-Carb Philosophy

I am nowhere near qualified enough to put a headline like “The best diet plan for keto” or “the only keto guide you will ever need”. I’ll just stick to telling you about the keto plan that I use and that works for me. Mostly keto is what I’ve come to explain it as. As...

About Me

Not a professional cook nor a nutritionist. Just someone who in a relatively short time has changed their life following a ketogenic diet. I’ve learned a lot about how to stick to and succeed with this lifestyle and continue to learn more everyday. Because of that, I feel like I can help others do the same.  If  you’re interested in learning more about me and my journey, please check out the full About Me page.