The Things I Avoided While Starting KETO Because of Videos Like This One | Mistakes Part 2

In the first mistakes video I talked about the mistakes I made while starting keto.

Those were doing too much too soon, buying too many keto products, not meal prepping, and eating too much fat, especially dairy.

And as promised, in this one I’ll be talking about the advice people gave me that was worthwhile.

I say it that way because part 3 is going to be the advice people gave me that were useless.

We begin this one where every post about keto begins, the keto flu.

Maybe the most popular thing about keto is the fast weight loss, and the keto flu.

However, it is avoidable. Before getting started I heard a lot of people talking about how bone broth and electrolytes can help you through the times where you might feel low energy or have a headache.

And that is absolutely true.

There is a reason why people say the weight you lose in ketosis is only water weight. Its because you do pee a lot in those early weeks as you become fat adapted.

Keto can be a diuretic. I’m someone who has struggled with high blood pressure since I was 16. So the idea of adding sodium to my food and water went against everything I was told by my doctor for 10 years.

As you pee a lot, you excrete a lot of vital nutrients with it. So, having bone broth and having an electrolyte supplement will really help you bypass what a lot of people go through.

This next tip I got from Dr. Berg. Which is pretty much eat your veggies. He recommends 7-10 cups a day, I’m not sure I get 7-10 cups in a week.

But there is a difference between dirty and clean keto. And this diet is not just about weight loss. It is also about health.

Its important to eat the full spectrum. Keto means avoiding the bad carbs and refined sugars. Not giving up the good vegetables or drenching everything in fat.

Another tip is to try your hardest to commit. For at least the first 3 weeks. Give your body time to adjust fully to the diet. Unfortunately, it may get worse for a few people before it gets better.

You might not see the rapid weight loss everyone around you seems to have. We need to get healthy first, then the weight loss will come.

By going in and out too often, you might never give your body the chance to become fat adapted, and never realize all the benefits that come with this lifestyle.

On the other side, understand that life happens. Things might go sideways, and you might have to come off it. That’s okay too.

The goal is to become ketogenic eventually. And that will come.

If it takes a little longer than so be it. Weight loss is a long journey, no need to beat ourselves up about it over the first few steps.


But you’ll have to watch the ending of the video above for that one.

About Me

Not a professional cook nor a nutritionist. Just someone who in a relatively short time has changed their life following a ketogenic diet. I’ve learned a lot about how to stick to and succeed with this lifestyle and continue to learn more everyday. Because of that, I feel like I can help others do the same.  If  you’re interested in learning more about me and my journey, please check out the full About Me page.