Whenever we want to lose weight, it’s normal to find a diet or meal plan, make a schedule and do all the research.
It’s also common to believe that 80 percent of losing weight is diet. By following that same logic, 80 percent of losing weight is why, not how.
If you know the answers to these questions, you’ll be able to work towards your goals no matter the diet or program.
Then you can come back to my channel to learn more about keto, low carb or intermittent fasting if that is the vehicle you choose to get to your goals. If those aren’t for you, then that’s okay too.
So, in short order these are the questions to ask:
Why? – Get as superficial or deep as you need to. Get into not only why you want to lose weight, but why you NEED to lose it.
How many pounds and in how long? – Again, getting specific as possible is going to be key. Don’t say 20 by my birthday but break it down to the week.
What am I willing to sacrifice? – Weight loss is hard. Extreme weight loss is even harder. There are things you are going to have to give up, there are things you are going to have to do every day. But there are also things you don’t want to give up. And that’s important to, find a way to plan and fit those things in.
What has derailed me before? – Why is this time different? Understanding your weaknesses and pitfalls will help make sure this time is a success.
What is your ideal day/diet? – If you could eat what you want and lose weight, what would that look like. If you could enjoy what you ate without feeling guilty while still being healthy.